The feed reflects what I've been up to lately, represented by my tweets, coding activities and interesting blog post discoveries, altogether in chronological order.
The list contains all of my code repositories, including the repository for this website, in order of most recent update.
This website is my presence on the web, and as such it unifies just about what there is to know about my activities on the web.
My name is Ole Petter Bang, and I live in Oslo, Norway. Besides playing the guitar, my primary area of interest is programming. I'm particularly interested in programming languages, preferably dynamic ones, like Ruby and Javascript.

I have a master's degree in computer science from NTNU, specializing in data and information management. My master involved developing a method for storing and querying schemaless RDF data, and creating a SPARQL parser and evaluator.

I currently work as a consultant in BEKK, where I've obtained valuable experience in projects using technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Cucumber, RSpec, C#/.NET, WPF and C++/CLI, as well as methodologies like BDD, TDD, Scrum and Kanban.